prized possession : sleeping bag
“I keep it real dude.” Wearing a giant smile, Mohawk, and warm pair of gloves, Push was merely taking in another adventurous day on his journey. The twenty-one year old Philadelphia native lights up when describing his life on the road for the past year, despite an unimpressive start to his stay in Denver. “Denver sucks, but life is usually pretty good. Run into cool people. People always help us out.” Push doesn’t sway from his optimism when describing the complicates series of events that led to his outdoors existence. “To be honest, I was living in Philly at someone’s house, got drunk one night downtown, hit a cop, got thrown in jail, finally got bailed out after a month and a half, then the girl I was living with kicked me out. Then I started sleeping at Occupy Philly for two months and my traveling started from there.”
Prized Possession: An army green sleeping bag."Prized possession is a toughie, I guess I would say my sleeping bag. It keeps us warm. I have a stove too, thats pretty cool. But the sleeping bag keeps us warm. This is the first winter I've felt in a year so its pretty tough. (I’m) getting used to the cold again though."