prized possession : everything he's got
Roy Blake Smith has been homeless for thirty years, since the age of fourteen. The forty-four year old is “a natural born Coloradan from Colorado Springs.” He recalls his early days growing up with a military father. The family moved to the tiny town of Caroltown, Pennsylvania, when he was a child. “I remember that town so well. Everybody knew everybody. Just like here. I basically know everybody in this park.” Sitting amongst the conglomeration of his things Roy, tells of his role amongst the others in the park. “I’m not like some of these other freaks that take your money and give you nothing. I make sure everybody gets what they deserve. If someone is out here looking for something I point them in the right direction.” Despite assisting others in their hunt for substances, he still realizes the dark side of drug abuse. “Some people do a lot of drugs so bad. Seen them die in this park. I do a little meth and a little coke sometimes, but not too much. I don’t drink.”
Prized Possession: “Its (both) everything I got and my girlfriend even though we have a rocky relationship. She is two years older than me. Too much sometimes. Love is very hard for me. Every relationship I’ve been in, they never end up faithful or honest. Its all I got for now,” he explains. As for his material possessions, Roy displays a plethora of bags, bottles, and knickknacks while explaining the significance of each.